Posts tagged “Facebook groups”

On the 9th November Facebook launched a new, more open Public Groups experience, that will grow your group’s reach, membership, and participation. 
Helping to grow communities and help more people become part of communities. Their goal is to grow diverse perceptions and increase authentic conversations across Public Groups, while giving admins powerful new tools to keep their groups safe and the quality of conversations high. 
The new Public Groups experience is more accessible to people on Facebook, with many benefits for admins: 
• It allows the admin to easily grow their community by letting members instantly join their group. Facebook wanted to make it easy for people to join  
Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting your target audiences in your product or service. The goal is to guide prospects through the buyer’s journey to the end of the sales funnel. 
Leads are essential to the sustainability of your business, they expand your market, grow your following, boost revenue, build visibility and awareness and improve lead quality 
Follow these stages, be consistent and you will see success when turning your personal profile into a lead generating machine. 
Getting A Plan In Place 
Your business should have an effective lead generating plan in place as it makes your sales team more productive. When you develop a flow of qualified leads for your sales team, they can close more sales. A valuable plan also needs to drive people to a single offer, this is extremely beneficial for your profile, as offers help you bring back current customers and attract new ones to your business. 
Facebook groups are a strong marketing tool, allowing you to attract new customers and engage current ones with exclusive content, community, and support. These groups are a place to communicate about shared interests with certain people. You can create a group for anything, e.g., your family reunion, your after-work sports team, or your book club. 
With the power of Facebook groups for business, brands have an opportunity to build communities and long-lasting relationships with customers. As you have access to Facebook’s 2.41 billion active monthly users. 
There are three types of privacy settings to choose from for your Facebook group; Public, Private and Private and hidden. 
With a public Facebook group, anyone can see what members post or share. Any user who has a Facebook account can see the list of members, admins and moderators. 
Previously I did a poll asking what barriers stood in the way of people posting consistently on social media and time was a big reason. We get so busy doing the job we do that we forget to have a social media presence running as well. Having a social media presence is a major way to keep brand awareness and continue the supply of leads, enquiries or sales 
To maximise your time effectively you have a few options. Firstly find the time - schedule time into your diary and write your weeks worth of posts in one go and then schedule them to go out over the week. By doing the whole weeks worth in one go you make the most of the time and its blocked out in your diary every week. 
Secondly you get someone else to do it for you. This ensures the work is done and you don't have to worry about it at all. Complete peace of mind. Just ensure the person you outsource to provides quality 
So which one would works best for you? 
Personality captures the heart ❤ 
Bring a little personality to your business 
We all know the phrase "people buy from people" but yet businesses still refuse to add any personality to their marketing and social media 
True relationships, connections and trust is built through the "human" side of your marketing 
So how can you add personality to your social media business pages? 
1. Tell stories that draw your audience in, giving an inside sneak peak of everyday life 
2. Video content - Both pre-recorded and live video help people see you in a true light and showcase your personality 
3. Visual content with you in the picture helps show off who you are and make you memorable 
4. Ensure your content matches your personality. Don't write in a different tone to how you actually are or you'll put people off 
5. Add some humour where relevant to show you are friendly and approachable 
These are just a few ways personality can be added to your business socials which will make it much easier for your audience to know, like and trust you 
"Beauty attracts the eyes but personality captures the heart" 
Many businesses create a Facebook page in the hope of leveraging a large amount of engagement which will drive leads, referrals and ultimately sales. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work, and with organic reach sitting at an all-time low of around 2%, many business owner’s pages fail and they stop posting valuable content. Facebook’s push towards a more social experience for users has meant that the main benefit of a business page is the ability to run paid ads which will put your sales message directly in front of your target audience. Without an advertising budget the majority of Facebook business pages fail to engage with consumers and end up abandoning Facebook all together 
So should we just give up or is there another option? 
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